I Did What Any Other Mom Would Have Done
I Did What Any Other Mom Would Have DoneHi! I’m Sarah Shell, dentist and founder of Geddy’s Mom. I’m also Geddy’s actual mom. Which is a privilege unto itself.
A Conflicting Achievement: Geddy’s Mom is Now a Woman Business Enterprise…. April 29th, 2022
A Conflicting AchievementGeddy’s Mom was just certified as a Women Business Enterprise. And this is a conflicting achievement. Here’s why:
Does she have to choose between having a business and having a baby?
So Long 2021. Love, Parents
So Long 2021. Love, ParentsAs parents, 2021 has been a mix of relief and struggles. The world has felt unstable at times. Now is one of those times. But you’ve persevered throughout and you will continue to do so.