We’ve Got It Covered
Watch Your Mouth is a breakthrough child-safety product designed to dramatically reduce the risk of electric injury posed by a plugged in charger. With our ‘no small parts’ promise and our child-resistant closure, you can keep your charger connected and your child protected.
Watch our award winner in action

The Mother of All Outlet Covers
Shut Your Face is the first self-closing outlet cover that brings you comfort, simplicity, and reliability. Our patent-pending features keep your kids out but give you convenient and painless access to your outlets with full and independent seating of your plugs. Best of all, once you pull your plug out, Shut Your Face automatically returns to its safety position. THAT's why they call it the mother of all outlet covers!
The new must-have in baby proofing!
Now Available At:
Geddy’s mom is a board-certified dentist, and Geddy’s dad is a board-certified neurologist. Together with a team of engineers, Geddy’s Mom offers convenient and comfortable baby safety solutions to modern-day home hazards, providing parents with much-needed peace of mind.

Dr. Sarah Shell on why they developed Watch Your Mouth:
"As parents and as doctors, we understood the danger the moment we saw Geddy put the charger connector in his mouth for the first time. And ever since, we have been on a mission to help parents understand this danger and protect against it. Electrical shock or burn can happen, and the result can be devastating." -Dr. Sarah Shell